
Thinking Politically with Augustine

Faithful Political Engagement in Difficult Times

In the midst of America's political climate this election year, Thinking Politically with Augustine turns to the past to explore the perspectives of Augustine (354-430 C.E.), a revered and intellectual predecessor in the faith. Through the lens of this prolific author, seminar participants will gain refreshed insights into citizenship, political humility, and the Christian journey as a pilgrimage. Over four sessions, we will closely read and critically discuss excerpts from City of God, a selection of sermons and letters, and a piece of contemporary Augustine scholarship. 

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Who Should Attend

Anyone who is theologically curious - whether you are a Christian lay leader, pastor, retired pastor, or someone of little to no religious affiliation. All are welcome! We anticipate meaningful interfaith encounters and engagement across the spectrum of spiritual commitment.

Lovers of humanities programs and academic discussions.

Christian lay leaders who are considering seminary.

Alumni of Christian schools.

Over four seminar sessions, you will:

  •   Develop your familiarity with Augustine: Develop a familiarity with historical and theological aspects of the political thought of the early church father, in part by delving into Augustine’s sermons – an understudied body of work.
  •   Deepen your articulation: Deepen your ability to articulate the schema of the two cities, which is foundational to Augustine’s magnus opus, City of God.
  •   Refine a faithful framework: Refine a faithful framework for approaching politics in troubled times today (nearing the November election) by being exposed to the contemporary tradition of political Augustinianism, (for example, through the work of Princeton University professor Eric Gregory). 

How It Works


 Session Dates:Monday, September 16, 2024
Monday, September 23, 2024
Monday, September 30, 2024
Monday, October 7, 2024

  Duration/Time:7:00-9:00 PM (ET)
7:00-9:00 PM (ET)
7:00-9:00 PM (ET)
7:00-9:00 PM (ET)

  Price:$399 for four sessions



Heath Ohaneson headshot

Dr. Heather C. Ohaneson

Dr. Heather C. Ohaneson (M.Div., ’24; Ph.D., Columbia University ’13; B.A., Barnard College ’03) is passionate about the Great Books tradition and its intersection with issues of faith and life. A full-time pastor, Heather finds rejuvenation in reading, studying, and discussing philosophy. She brings nearly twenty years of college-level teaching experience to this seminar.

Price: $399.00